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Monney Willy

MetaLib .NET V5.0 - API For Reading Writing MetaStock Data Full Version

MetaLib .NET V5.0 - API for reading writing MetaStock data full version

MetaStock is a popular software for technical analysis and trading of financial markets. It allows users to create and test their own trading strategies, as well as access a large database of historical price data for various securities. However, MetaStock data files are not easy to manipulate and access from other programs, especially for developers who want to create powerful add-on modules for MetaStock users.

That's where MetaLib comes in. MetaLib is a software development kit (SDK) that provides functions for reading, writing, editing, inserting, sorting and deleting MetaStock price data. It is designed for developers who want to create applications that can interact with MetaStock data files in a simple and efficient way. MetaLib supports the latest MetaStock format version 11.0, and can handle up to 65500 price data records per security.

MetaLib .NET V5.0 - API for reading writing MetaStock data full version

MetaLib is available in two versions: MetaLib C++ and MetaLib .NET. The former is a native C++ library that can be used with any C++ compiler, while the latter is a .NET assembly that can be used with any .NET programming language, such as Visual Basic .NET, C# .NET, or C++ .NET. Both versions have the same functionality and interface, but the .NET version has some additional features, such as converting MetaStock data directly into Excel spreadsheets, or displaying a progress bar during long operations.

How to use MetaLib .NET

To use MetaLib .NET in your project, you need to do the following steps:

  • Add a reference to the MetaLib.tlb file in your project settings.

  • Include the MLErrorConstants.h and MLUtil.h files in your project.

  • Add the following lines to your Stdafx.h file:

#import "MetaLib.tlb" no_namespace raw_interfaces_only #include "MLErrorConstants.h" #include "MLUtil.h" #include

  • Add the following lines to your Stdafx.cpp file:

IMLWriter *g_IMLWriter = NULL; IMLReader *g_IMLReader = NULL; IMLProgressBar *g_IMLProgBar = NULL; IMLConverter *g_IMLConverter = NULL; IMLRegistration *g_IMLRegistration = NULL; const IID IID_IMLWriter = 0xEDC0C57F,0x8E8B,0x4417,0xA0,0xCB,0x0D,0x71,0x25,0x28,0x02,0xE2; const IID IID_IMLReader = 0x326DE151,0xC4C0,0x4692,0x9E,0xB1,0x00,0xA7,0xDC,0x64,0x7C,0xF4; const IID IID_IMLProgressBar = 0x37277B21,0x8271,0x4704,0xB5,0x8D,0x7F,0x4F,0xD6,0x0F,0xD9,0x13; const IID IID_IMLConverter = 0x955D5686,0xF038,0x4BE8,0xAF,0x7E,0xE3,0x59,0x69,0xD4,0xE6,0xC5; const IID IID_IMLRegistration = {0xAF42E4DF,0xACA3,0x44FF,{0xAC,0xA4,0x2E,0x96,0xE6,0xC1,0x2F,

  • Create and initialize the objects of the MetaLib classes that you need in your code. For example:

// Create and initialize the MLWriter object HRESULT hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MLWriter,NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IMLWriter,(void)&g_IMLWriter); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to create MLWriter object!","Error",MB_OK); return; // Create and initialize the MLReader object hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MLReader,NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IMLReader,(void)&g_IMLReader); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to create MLReader object!","Error",MB_OK); return; // Create and initialize the MLProgressBar object hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MLProgressBar,NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IMLProgressBar,(void)&g_IMLProgBar); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to create MLProgressBar object!","Error",MB_OK); return; // Create and initialize the MLConverter object hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MLConverter,NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IMLConverter,(void)&g_IMLConverter); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to create MLConverter object!","Error",MB_OK); return; // Create and initialize the MLRegistration object hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_MLRegistration,NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER,IID_IMLRegistration,(void)&g_IMLRegistration); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to create MLRegistration object!","Error",MB_OK); return;

  • Use the methods and properties of the MetaLib objects to perform various operations on MetaStock data files. For example:

// Open a MetaStock directory for reading hr = g_IMLReader->OpenDirectory("C:\\MetaStock",faReadWrite); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to open MetaStock directory!","Error",MB_OK); return; // Get the number of securities in the directory long nrSec = 0; hr = g_IMLReader->get_SecuritiesCount(&nrSec); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to get securities count!","Error",MB_OK); return; // Loop through all securities in the directory for (long i = 0; i get_Security(i,&sec); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to get security object!","Error",MB_OK); return; // Get the security name and symbol BSTR name = NULL; BSTR symbol = NULL; hr = sec->get_Name(&name); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to get security name!","Error",MB_OK); return; hr = sec->get_Symbol(&symbol); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to get security symbol!","Error",MB_OK); return; // Display the security name and symbol CString msg; msg.Format("Security name: %s\nSecurity symbol: %s\n",name,symbol); MessageBox(NULL,msg,"Info",MB_OK); // Release the security object sec->Release(); // Close the MetaStock directory hr = g_IMLReader->CloseDirectory(); if (FAILED(hr)) MessageBox(NULL,"Failed to close MetaStock directory!","Error",MB_OK); return;

How to get MetaLib .NET full version

MetaLib .NET is a commercial product that requires a license key to activate its full functionality. You can download a free trial version of MetaLib .NET from [this website], which allows you to use it for 30 days with some limitations. To get the full version of MetaLib .NET, you need to purchase a license key from [this website], which costs $199. The license key will be sent to you by email after you complete the payment. You can then use the MLRegistration object to register your license key and unlock all features of MetaLib .NET.


MetaLib .NET is a powerful and easy-to-use SDK that enables developers to create applications that can read and write MetaStock data files. It supports the latest MetaStock format version 11.0, and can handle up to 65500 price data records per security. It also has some additional features, such as converting MetaStock data directly into Excel spreadsheets, or displaying a progress bar during long operations. MetaLib .NET is compatible with any .NET programming language, such as Visual Basic .NET, C# .NET, or C++ .NET. You can download a free trial version of MetaLib .NET from [this website], or purchase a full version license key for $199 from [this website].


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